After months of having our Washington house on the market, selling our house, traveling 1600+ miles to Western Kansas, and living with Jesse's parents for 3+ months (who, by the way, are great for putting up with us!), we are finally in our new home in Goodland, Kansas!!!! We moved all our things in just after Christmas and moved ourselves in January 8th.
Two weeks and 100 unpacked boxes later, we are still getting settled, but well on our way to this house feeling like home. Axel and Emma are thoroughly enjoying the new house equipped with a toy room/closet and rec/family room for them to spread their toys all over the place. Their rooms are quite a bit bigger than their bedrooms in our Washington house and seem a bit empty with the current lack of furniture and decor (haven't got around to hanging pictures, curtains, shelves, etc. quite yet), but they love all the space to play. Come spring, we will be getting an outside play set for them to take ALL that energy outside!
Jesse is settling into his job at Dan Brenner Ford and enjoying spending time with the kids and his parents on his parent's ranch. Axel has developed a love of tractors, namely John Deere tractors! Luckily, his Papaw (grandpa) and Grandpa (great-grandpa) have MANY John Deeres, as well as other tractors for Axel to oogle over! Emma has decided that she loves the outdoors and enjoys playing in the dirt and rocks. We just have to watch closely because she likes to taste the rocks as well!
We are currently looking for a new church home and visited our first church today! Rachel is looking forward to getting involved in the local MOPS group, as well as getting involved in church activities.
Overall, life is really coming together! We are missing our friends and church back in Washington, but are so blessed to have such great memories and lasting friendships. Enjoy the pictures!!
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